This "I am..." of Jesus is part of a much bigger story. We read two texts (John 9:1-12 and 9:35-41) but looked at more than these two to gain an understanding of this saying.
Miracles are physical means that point to spiritual truths. This story isn't about a blind man. It's about spiritual blindness. "Who sinned..." is the question that the miracle responds to. Throughout chapter 8 there is mounting tension between Jesus and the Pharisees. Jesus' ultimate point in this episode is to show what spiritual blindness and spiritual sight look like.
It's the blindman, excommunicated from the church who sees clearly and the professionally religious who are blind. Religion can do that to a person. All ritual, no relationship. We would do well to recognize that our tendency is spiritual blindness- not spiritual sight. Christ is our light. Only he can heal this broken condition.
I closed this sermon with an invitation. The worst thing we can do as blind people is to pretend sight. I invited a time of confession and admission of blindness. One by one, at both services, folks stood up, claiming their blindness, calling to Christ, the light of the world.
Pastor Scott
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